Wednesday, January 8, 2014

About Kristin

  • Kristin loves to teach.  She taught elementary school special education for four years before Spencer was born.  Now, most of her teaching is done at home.  She has loved every minute of being a mom and helping Spencer learn and grow.  Kristin has a passion for reading and has tried to instill that passion in Spencer by reading to him from the time he was only a few weeks old.  In addition, Kristin volunteers in Spencer's classroom once a week, has taught children's classes at church, and teaches a class of teens and adults with disabilities at the YMCA for two-hours a week.  She even co-coached Spencer's soccer team this year, which was a big stretch for her since she never played soccer!

  • Kristin has loved running since she took it up after her freshman year of college, but in recent years, she has also developed a passion for healthy living all around.  She grows a vegetable garden every summer and preserves a lot of fruits and vegetables.  She makes most of their food from scratch to avoid eating processed foods as much as possible.  In addition to running, Kristin also enjoys attending yoga and barre classes when she can.

  • Kristin loves the outdoors.  The fact that running gave her an excuse to be outside was one of the main reasons she took it up in college.  She loves working in yard and seeing things grow.  Going to the coast, having picnics, and hiking are some of her favorite things to do.  Even though the rain in Oregon gets old sometimes, she loves to live here because of the beauty that surrounds her.